Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Origins of Change Management

Change is the process of making someone or something to look different from its original view. Hence, change management is the application of techniques that deal with change, whether in an organizational setting or individually. Change is a complex aspect that is hard to adapt, despite it being constant. It is also a broad topic that needs to be split for easy understanding. There are different types of change. There are three types of change: developmental, transitional and transformational, Ackerman (1997).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Origins of Change Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Developmental change is usually planned for and it involves the techniques applied so as to develop a process or skill at a certain angle in an organization. Transitional change seeks at the implementation of a new idea, totally different from the existing one being used. It is also planned. Transformational change is an assumption based type created by the members of an organization. These transformations make an organization differ in terms of its structure, strategies and its processes. There are various theories that have been put forward to explain the origin of change. There was the general Contingency Theory. It uses the principle of â€Å"it depends†. For example, when the best leadership or management has to be put forth, it would depend on the situation or institution being considered, For instance, in a hospital or university, a more participative style has to be considered since there is a lot of consultation required. According to this theory, some factors had to be considered before implementing the change that had been planned. Under management, the â€Å"depending factors†, which contribute to the change, are dependent on an organization. Other theories explaining the origin of change management are either contemporary or historical. Contemporary theories of mana gement Systems theory has a direct impact on the adaptation of change in an organization. A system is a unified entity comprised of several single units linked together to form the complete entity. The withdrawal, as well as introduction of one aspect of the company causes a noticeable change. A system is formed by four main aspects. These are inputs, processes, outputs and outcomes, all of which bring common feedback to the system. Inputs are the resources that are first considered in the organization. After completion of the processes, outputs such as services and goods come about as a result. Outcomes would be maybe the improvement of the quality of life by the targeted group using the latter. Feedback would be the reactions of the human resource group who undertook the overall running of the processes. It could also be from members of the public who used the service or product. The external environment could also provide feedback; for instance, policies from the government, effe cts of technology and the economic conditions.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This theory may seem very easy to implement, but many organizations over time have been unable to incorporate it into their systems. However, with the competition facing many companies, some managers have tried to incorporate it. This new way of looking at an organization has caused tremendous changes not only in the management but also in the overall outlook of a company. This theory has an effect of enabling managers to effectively supervise all aspects of the organization. This involves the general administration and supervision of workers, unlike traditionally when managers only specialized on a specific area of the management. The chaos theory also tries to explain the origin of the change management concept. The random events experienced in general life were also experienced in the organizat ional setting. Some managers over the years believed that these organizational events could somehow be controlled. The chaotic theory states that events are often not controlled. Theorists of this aspect normally compare this theory to the biological nature. They claim that systems naturally enter into a complex state whereby they change their form and become volatile. They require more energy to sustain their complexity, as they continue changing their structure, until it finally splits. On splitting, they combine with other complex systems or even the pieces exist entirely on their own. Since these processes are uncontrolled, the same concept is applied in management. Many organizations and the world as a whole undergo such processes. Change is part of it and to companies is the trend. A practical example would be an organization that recruits employees from a different company. These employees come with some aspects of their previous company which would either positively or negat ively affect the current company. These factors are sometimes adapted by the new company employees hence bringing change that cannot be easily controlled into it. With such changes reaching the top management, the entire management would have been altered and made complex. If for some reason the managing director of that company decides to quit and go start another company, he would incorporate the many skills he or she would have acquired from various companies he or she would have worked for.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Origins of Change Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The result would be a more sophisticated management. It is therefore clear, how this theory has had an effect on various organizations, especially with the uncontrollable changes that come with it. Historical theories of Management Scientific Management Theory (1890-1940), was developed by Frederick Taylor. Over the years, it was observed that large companies went through a routine work of manufacturing products for their customers, hence having the same management. The theory espoused this careful measurement and specifications of activities by the companies. He brought about the standardization of tasks to companies that were involved in routinized activities and tasks. Bureaucratic Management Theory (1930-1950), established by Max Weber, brought in a different perspective from the scientific theory. He based his theory on the division of organizations into smaller units. A proper authority and control was then to be established amongst these units to form a complete system. He stated that a detailed standard procedure of activities was to be administered by the specific units and comprehensively develop the organization. Human Relations Movement (1930-today) came as a result of the reactions from the two theories. Governments and unions identified the dehumanizing effects of the theories; for instance th e stress experienced by an individual with his/her unique qualifications and hence capabilities to the companies. Human resource departments were then introduced to organizations. Its responsibility was to relate the qualification of their employees to the needs of the organization and then balance them out. The department was also supposed to measure the input required in a certain sector of the organization and provide sufficient workforce, to reduce on the strain by few individuals.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Overview of the research on change management and innovation In this fast world, organizations are facing changes in development sin all aspects; including economically, technologically and globally. These changes are causes of challenges facing organizations, risks and business uncertainties, and managers have a great responsibility in ensuring that they adapt to these changes and cope positively. Strategies are being put forward by companies to cope up with the competition and other challenges being faced as a result of the eruption of many companies. An organization is to improve on its development by having planned change for an increased effectiveness. (Cummings Worley, 2005, pg. 1). Strategic planning is a factor employed in curbing the competitive changes. It is considered wise for an organization to plan for how to tackle change rather than waiting for the change to take place and then react towards it. Innovation has been considered to be the best solution for this. Organi zations put into practice the creative ideas by its members in coming up with new and acceptable products and services for their customers. To increase their efficiency, the latest technologies have to be adapted. This may involve the use of computer-in-manufacturing as well as the incorporation of the ERP systems. This adoption of technology affects the employee body that has to be acquiring skills and techniques of incorporating the technologies. For a company to succeed, it has to have a competitive advantage over other companies. (David, 2005, pg. 8) It is therefore important for the various organizations to put into focus the importance of innovation as a way of managing change in their management for them to maintain continuity and a profitable growth. Innovation leads to a better competitive edge, which leads to more profits for the stakeholders. References Ackerman, L. (1997). Development, transition or transformation: the question of change in organizations. London: Oxford Publishers. Cummings, Thomas G. Worley, G. (2005). Organization, Development and Change. (8th Ed). Mason, Ohio: Thomson South-Western. David, Fred R. (2005). Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. (10thEd). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice-Hall. This essay on Origins of Change Management was written and submitted by user Bryleigh Wolf to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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